Vitamins for People Who Travel a Lot

For many people, traveling is an essential part of life. Whether it be for business or pleasure, locally or internationally, by airplane or car, traveling is unavoidable. Some trips are more relaxing than others, but every time you travel, you have the potential to get out of the flow of your normal routine.

As a health-conscious individual, you understand that wellness is important to maintain, regardless of the activities that fill your schedule. This includes taking your vitamins and minerals. In this article, you will learn about health-expert-recommended vitamins you should bring when traveling so that you can maintain your healthy lifestyle. In fact, you may feel inspired to add some crucial vitamins to your travel routine and your usual regimen.

Vitamins for Traveling for Work

Whether you travel for work only on occasion or you must travel daily as part of your job, work-related travel calls for you to be on top of your health game. Some aspects of your job may actually be improved by taking certain vitamins. For example, some jobs require passing routine health tests to acquire certain positions. It’s important to know what requirements there are, such as knowing that vision tests are required for CDL drivers. In this example, vitamin A would be the perfect supplement for improving eyesight and therefore improving testing results. Other travel-related jobs that require excellent vision are positions in the military, health care, construction and law enforcement fields, to name a few.

It’s sometimes easy to overlook the travel-related benefits that vitamins provide in addition to improving overall health. Many work trips require you to be physically and mentally strong, and vitamin D is the top choice to help accomplish this. Vitamins A and D are excellent options to add to your work-travel luggage.

Vitamin A

In addition to improving vision, vitamin A has numerous benefits that increase your performance and energy, which is beneficial when traveling for work. One such benefit is cold and flu prevention. Everyone knows how terrible it is to try and push through work when you are feeling ill and drained of energy. Not to mention when you add in the factor that you are also traveling for work, you are going to want to prevent catching illnesses at all costs. If you do come down with an illness, you will want it to run its course as soon as possible. Vitamin A is able to prevent colds and flu because of its immune-system-building properties. Vitamin A also improves overall health and well-being by contributing to cell development and the health of different bodily components that help you run smoothly as you navigate work outside of the usual office.

Vitamin D

As briefly mentioned before, Vitamin D helps improve an individual’s physical and mental strength. Vitamin D builds and maintains physical strength in the body by aiding calcium absorption, which in turn is responsible for maintaining and building strong and healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D also is essential in maintaining a healthy mental state because it helps regulate the neurotransmitters that inform your mood and perceived experiences. Low vitamin D can mean poor mental health or a poor mood. It is important to note that a vitamin D deficiency is extremely common, especially during winter months. This is because your primary method for obtaining vitamin D is when your skin converts it from the sun’s rays. Utilizing vitamin D in pill supplement form is an excellent way to conveniently access this critical vitamin. Taking vitamin D with you when traveling for work is useful even if you are traveling somewhere warm and sunny. You might not have the opportunity you’d like to spend time in the sun because, after all, you are there for work. But that doesn’t mean your vitamin D level has to suffer.

Vitamins for Vacation Travels

When you’re traveling for fun, you don’t have to leave all of your responsibilities at home. You wouldn’t forgo brushing your teeth because you’re on vacation, so why would you forgo maintaining healthy vitamin levels? Try and think of your vitamin and health routine as being just as important as your hygiene and eating practices.

When traveling on vacation, there are a plethora of symptoms you may feel that are often a result of vitamin or mineral imbalance. Magnesium and potassium are minerals that are likely to aid in common symptoms that arise when traveling on vacation.


You’ve finally made it to your travel destination: a calm, relaxing vacation on the beach. But wait, no matter how beautiful or peaceful your surroundings are, and even though you’ve given yourself permission to relax and unwind, you just can’t. Sometimes, individuals who are used to busy schedules and are always going have a hard time knowing what to do with themselves when it’s time to relax. If this is a problem you have, magnesium will likely do the trick. Magnesium, like all of the vitamins mentioned in this article so far, is one of your body’s required essential vitamins and minerals. Magnesium can help you relax. It helps reduce anxiety, fight headaches and depression and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is a good idea to keep magnesium handy; your body will let you know when you are low.


Let’s say your ideal vacation isn’t relaxation like the one described above. You enjoy adventure, thrills and movement. Your days are packed with hiking, skiing or some other activity that keeps you going. Unsurprisingly, all of this excitement and activity might lead to experiencing muscle weakness and exhaustion. This is possibly a result of dehydration. In addition to drinking plenty of water, it is important that your potassium levels are sufficient. Potassium maintains your body’s electrolyte and fluid balance at a healthy level, so it is an essential part of staying hydrated.

Vitamins for All-Around Travel

In terms of vitamins and travel in general, many of the reasons you will want to bring vitamins with you on trips are the same reasons why you use them at home. Your health is important to you, and you recognize the benefit of keeping your body regulated at vitamin and mineral homeostasis. That being said, the B vitamins and vitamin C have particular uses that give them the reputation of go-to treatment for certain issues in general and when traveling.

B Vitamins

There are a total of eight essential B vitamins that, when combined, are known as the vitamin-B complex. B vitamins are often referred to as the “healthy building blocks of the body.” They impact your brain function, energy levels and cell metabolism. The vitamin-B complex is like a general body health booster. Deficiency in the B vitamins can cause uncomfortable symptoms that will put a damper on your travels. It is important to know that most B vitamins are found in meats and animal products. If you are following a vegetarian or vegan diet, you especially want to consider taking B vitamins with regularity, both at home and while traveling.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another vitamin with a huge reputation. Vitamin C is known for having antioxidant effects that can act as a preventative measure against diseases. It is also known to boost your immune system by increasing the functionality of white blood cells. You may have also heard it claimed that vitamin C prevents or cures the common cold. This has not been proven to be true. However, vitamin C is still a beneficial vitamin to keep with you when traveling.

The next time you travel, do yourself a favor and remember to include on your packing list vitamins, minerals and a reminder to keep up your good health. You can use this guide to help you decide which vitamins to bring. However, you should also feel free to bring any vitamins that fit your needs or points of concern. If you feel overwhelmed by which vitamins to take on which days and at what times, you may want to purchase a travel-friendly pill organizer. Remember, you will feel your best and perform your best when you have a healthy balance of the body’s essential vitamins and minerals.

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