Delta Dawn Video Viral at Delta Airlines

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The “Delta Dawn” video parody has officially gone viral via Facebook throughout Delta-Land with over 15,000 views overnight and will be the talk at Delta HDQ, guaranteed. All of this was meant to be kept on the DDL (Delta Down-Low) but it’s too late.

The flight attendants at Delta Air Lines, who’d previously decided against being represented by a union, are well on their way to becoming a unionized workforce. For the majority of Delta’s flight attendants, who’ve signed union cards, the toughest part now is facing the multi-million dollar campaign being waged by Delta to change their minds. Employee buses are being wrapped and computer terminal screensavers uploaded with anti-union slogans designed to confront them at every turn.

Make no mistake, Delta’s service culture is legendary and has played a major role in keeping them at the top of their game, even in the toughest of time in the airline industry. “Delta Dawn”, is parody based on Delta’s VP of Inflight, Allison Ausband, and gives a little glimpse of less pleasant aspects of the Delta culture many employees feel ready to leave behind.

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