Passing the Time in Isolation with Andrea Smith

As we hole-up with our immediate families or on our own, Americans are doing things they didn’t have time for previously and they are seeking and discovering new pastimes and pursuits. Andrea Smith, tech contributor to and WABC-TV and CNBC, is hosting a series of national and local TV and radio interviews showcasing tech that will get them off on the right foot and even rescue families from boredom…and from each other. Join Andrea as she shows us ways to keep the whole family entertained, fit, and productive. New tech shows us how to switch between streaming services without having to close an app before opening another – now it’s as easy as changing a channel. The change in today’s new TV is on par with the change that took place with the advent of HDTV. With today’s technology and Internet capabilities we may never want to leave home again…well maybe leave it less.

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