Check Out What’s New with Yahoo Mail

Yahoo Mail just released a new version of its app that will change the way people use their inboxes.

With overflowing email and endless content, Yahoo Mail cuts through the noise and focuses on what matters most to people. New features like “Active Updates” pulls important information to the top of your inbox like the concert tickets you bought six months ago or package tracking for your online shopping, “Views” groups your emails into easy categories like Deals, Travel and Attachments, and the unsubscribe button helps you control all of those newsletters with a single tap without having to leave the app.

You can also log in to the app with your other email accounts and still have access to all of the advanced features. The new Yahoo Mail app is a universal platform that seamlessly delivers on all of your needs in one place and gives you back control of your inbox.

Visit your App Store or Google Play Store today to download the app on iOS and Android

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